Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A New Year!

Each new year always surprises me. This year I was ready to greet it, looking forward to all it had in store. Then it got uber busy. As a first year I thought I knew stress...hell as a Junior I thought I truly understood stressed out. Yikes, I was wrong! The first few weeks of this year have kept me on my toes!
Through the stress, Chris keeps reminding me what the end of this school year has planned for us. I keep imagining how things are going to change and the new situations that will arise. Funny thing is I'm excited even for the disagreements, compromises and uncertainty that lies ahead. I'm excited to not have the biggest test of my life, live in more than one room (dorm rooms were a bad invention), have a kitchen, a pet, get married to the love of my life and see if what they say about make up sex is true.
I've never been a huge fan of change. I'm surprised at how excited I am for my world to be turned upside-down. I have concluded that change doesn't scare me as much when I am confident in the man by my side. Through thick and thin, I know he and I can figure it out. Every night I continue to thank God for creating someone as understanding, sweet and thoughtful as Chris. He continues to inspire me to be better, kiss away all my worries and out do himself with understanding and amazingly cute gestures.
Sorry this got mushy towards the end. Chris is working in Iowa this week which seems kind of backwards- I know. But I miss him.