Monday, November 2, 2009

The Beginning

Haha. So this is all Rachel's fault. She showed me her blog and told me to comment. Turns out it is hard to comment without a blog of your own. Then I discovered that blogging is a nice way to procrastinate from studying. This is perfect. I was getting a little bored of facebook.

Like I said, my fiance and I are in the process of planning our wedding. We have just started and already the prospects are intimidating. With no location convenient for both families, we have decided on a beach wedding. Right now it appears like that beach will be in North Carolina, however wherever we can get married this summer might just be the spot.

I am at an interesting set of crossroads in my life right now. I'm stuck somewhere between being a college student, an RA, soon-to-be-married, and attempting to figure out my future. Looking back it has been a long road full of turns and potholes that almost swallowed me alive. Looking ahead is slightly better if it were possible to ignore the massive quantities of unknowns.

If you are intrigued, then continue to follow the adventures of the Great Goddess D.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I'll take all the blame. :) Nice blog Liz, and I LOVE the title. haha. I miss you! Tell Chris hi.
