Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I would like to know who invented finals. Where they crazy? Who in the world thought it was a good idea to cram tests from somewhere between 3 - 6 class finals into one week? If you are lucky you have one a day for a few days...if not you have multiple finals one right after the other. This isn't really testing how much you know. It is testing how much stress you can withstand before you keel over and die. While I appreciate tests not being cumulitive, professors should still remember that we have 2-5 other finals all at the same time. If you think we are studying as much as we have for your previous exams you are sadly mistaken. Also while I am at it- Take homes are not less stressful if you give them on a Thursday and the student has 2 finals Monday one Tuesday and you want the take home back by Tuesday at noon. When in the world do you think I'm going to have time to complete your take home?

P.S. My next week and a half is a little stressful.

1 comment:

  1. well said! :) but none of your finals are cumulative??!!! not fair!! although i guess i can't complain...my load is pretty light this semester. but i certainly agree, finals are lame. good luck!! i know you'll do great!
