Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today Chris and I spent a lovely afternoon (if you ask me...a slightly torturous one if you ask him...) shopping for our wedding invitations. We finally found almost all the material and made a sample card. They are really beautiful! We are so excited to send them to you all so that you can be a part of our special day!
It was a bittersweet day. One the one hand we had so much fun picking out the invitation stuff and spending time with our friends, Dave and Laura. However, on the other hand, we realized how little time we have left before we have states between us. I leave soon to go to the Bahamas for my final spring term class of my undergraduate career. Upon returning, we will spend a few (nerve-racking) days together for my graduation, when our parents meet for the first time. Then it is off to Illinois for me to find a job and work on preparing our house. Chris will be staying here to finish packing and getting ready for his job to transition to Illinois. While we will try to spend as many weekends together working on the house as possible, we know that it will be long and hard. In other words we are counting the days till our wedding. 110 to go in case you were wondering!

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