Monday, November 5, 2012

Getting Crafty!

Time recently has not been on my side.  Every time I sit down to make a to do list I am discouraged when the things I need to do require more time than exists in a day (if I ever want to sleep!).  I recently decided that I needed a break.  SO what did I do?  CRAFT of course!

I loved my leaf wreath but was ready for a new Fall  wreath.  I was really excited when I found Hobby Lobby had flowers on sale!  There was a wreath on Pinterest that made me wanted to make my own version. I think it turned out really well!!!  It was really easy to make.  The hardest part was not burning myself with the hot glue gun and tiny flowers.  

My next project was to finish the hat that I promised Chris.  I was trying to crochet the hat with a stitch that was too small.  Once I finally accepted this fact (and undid all the work I had done), the hat took shape really quickly and looked a million times better.  Here are some pics of the hat (thanks to my favorite model :)
For Halloween I wanted to make my nephew, Noah, a present.  I loved the monster hat so I decided to try my hand at it.  I think it looks pretty scary!  The funny thing is the stupid little tooth by far took me the longest!!!                                          The dogs also wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween so we dressed them up!  I'd like to tell you that they loved it but Chris will tell you a different story.  The good news is that they were so distracted by the trick-or-treaters that they forgot to be mad at me for the costumes!  I still maintain that Ally likes her headband.  She will wear it for a few hours before shaking it off.  It could also be that she has finally realized she is fighting a loosing battle since I continue to put it on her.  

My final project is a new scarf pattern that Jenna found.  It is a normal scarf that has buttons so it can be converted into an infinity scarf.  So far I have finished one for Rose and am mostly done with one for me.  Pictures to come very soon ( I hope!)  The nice thing about crocheting is that it doesn't require my full attention.  I found that relistening to lectures ( because who really listens to the 6th hour in a row of lecture on a Friday afternoon?) is much easier  (by easier I mean I actually stay awake) when I can crochet at the same time.  Plus then I get cute things!

So any way.  This is what I have been up to recently (besides the normal class, studying and stressing out).  Hope you all had a great halloween!


  1. So crafty! I wish we lived closer and i could craft with you! Where did you get your pattern for the scarf? I would love to crochet a scarf that converts into an infinity scarf. Hook me up!

    p.s. that hat is adorable!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree! Want to have a crafting date some time in December? I posted the link for the scarf. Good luck and send me pictures! (Especially of Tatum wearing the scarf!!!!)
