Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Midterm Crafting!

 Third year has managed to keep me busier than previous years.  One of the time consuming activities is spaying and neutering dogs and cats from local shelters.  So far we have spayed one dog and neutered 2!   The left image is basically how I spend every tuesday morning!  So far all the pets have done great!

Another activity taking up time was midterms. Luckily those weren't too bad (Don't get me wrong I still freaked, hyperventillated and stressed about them :)  ).  

Right before midterms I decided to de-stress by making fall decorations.  Fall is one of my favorite seasons!

My fall board turned out really cute!  This is all due to Jenna's dedication to going to Hobby Lobby and Michaels over and over again!  I know it was hard work for her :)

I finally found leaves to make a wreath from my pinterest page.  I absolutely love how it turned out.  It was also really easy to make.  
After midterms, I finally had a few days where I didn't have any material to study.  I went home to see my families new puppy, Zoey.  I also got to see some of the family.  It was a fun way to spend my day off!

Chris and I also ventured to Madison, IN for Laura's baby shower.  It was a blast!  I also had a lot of fun crafting presents!  It was hard because I was trying to be sneaky so I couldn't pin anything (so Laura would be surprised).  I ended up making a diaper wreath.  The base is rolled diapers of varying sizes. Then I tied on socks, shoes, hats, toys, clothes, mittens, and hair ribbons.  I followed Laura's theme of safari.  I think it turned out really cute.  I know she loved it!

During the driving from all of our trips, I was able to finish crocheting the baby hats!  I made Juilana Rose Love a football hat that I found on pinterest.  It is my first crochet piece.  It is an odd shape but that is due to the ball of yarn I pretended was a baby's head ( I thought about going over to the neighbors to ask if I could use their baby's head to see how the hat fits.  I reconsidered and decided that would come across a little creepy!)

I made Baby Snell a hat as another shower gift.   It also turned out really cute!

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