Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fitness Goals

About 6 months ago Chris and I decided we needed to begin eating healthier. We both began paying more attention to the food choices we made. This worked out really well. Turns out you don't eat as much junk food when it has more calories in it than you ate for an entire meal. This weight loss plan worked for a while until we both hit a weight loss plateau. After spending a few weeks trying to find a way to use healthy food to loose more weight, we finally realized if we really wanted to continue on our healthy pathway we needed to start exercising regularly. So we devised a plan- 4 hour long walks with the dogs a week, 5 early morning runs (really short ones as we get started but hopefully in a few months they will be longer) and a lot of abs. We are now on week 2 and feeling much healthier. It also is a good way for us to spend time together and talk (only on the walks-while running there is only talking :) ). The other thing that I have been working on (that comes easier to Chris ) is drinking more water than diet soda. I have been trying to drink 2 18 oz. water bottles a day to counteract the 4 (ish) diet dews a day.

So hopefully in a few weeks I can post again to say that we are 1 month in and going strong.

Since I love having pictures so much here is one of our Magnolia tree blooming for the first time!

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