Friday, April 13, 2012


So I started blogging fairly regularly. Even though I had many blogs in mind for the last week, I unfortunately spent the days stuck in my vet school world preparing for midterms and only surfaced for a few hours to celebrate Easter with Mom, Gene, Abbey and Zach. Easter was an amazing celebration of faith, love and family.

Midterm prep however has not been as much fun. Within the last 7 days I have spent somewhere close to 80 hours studying (while still attending 21 hours of class). I wish I could say that this weekend is going to be a nice relaxing time to recuperate however there is another midterm on Monday. Recently I saw a facebook post comparing being a solider to being a student. It said something to the effect of one of these is truly stressful the other is sitting in a library enjoying a $12 coffee drink. Now while I don't think that being a student is more stressful than fighting wars, I do think that the comparison was unfair for many reasons. While I am not worried about surviving, I am however totally stressed out most of the school year. I spend more than 30 hours a week in class then a minimum of 4 hours a day studying. The maximum hours I have spent studying on a day that I also had class is 7 and the maximum on a weekend is 12. School for me is set up so that every 4 weeks I either have midterms or finals each covering approximately 120 hours worth of class material. This has managed to stress me out for the last few years. I also believe that being a solider and being a professional school student are important for very different reasons. While protecting U.S. citizens is really important, without doctors, veterinarians, lawyers and a plethora of other educated people there would be no more society left to protect. Finally I have so much money in student loans that I can guarantee that you will never find me drinking a $12 beverage.
Now don't get me wrong, I am so excited to become a veterinarian and cannot wait for my future career. I do feel that people need to realize that all jobs in society are crucial to its function. Making comparisons like the one I saw on facebook are not only unfair but also making assumptions about something that you yourself have never experienced. With this note I will return to submerging myself in my vet school world. Wahooo Organ Systems Pathology :)

1 comment:

  1. Just saw all your updates! Not sure how I missed them, but keep it up, I love it! And I loved all the Keep Calms. Especially "Carry Yarn". hehe, too funny. miss you!
