Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wreath Obsession!

With midterms behind me, only the hovering doom of two remaining finals and my summer plans complete, I find myself with nothing to stress about and a lot of down time. Of course this leads to CRAFTS! What else did you expect from me? Yesterday I was quite the crafting machine. After the test I went shopping for a little retail therapy (ok in my case it is mostly window shopping therapy but still equally fun) and purchased a few things to craft with!

The first thing I did was update my holiday frame seeing as how it is no longer Easter. I wanted something fun, bright and fresh to celebrate spring. This is what I ended up with.
The bird house is my favorite part-nice find Jenna!!!

I have been wanting to make a house warming gift for friends who recently bought their first house. A few weeks ago I found the perfect house warming wreath but couldn't find the time to craft. The monogram wreath is the perfect gift since they can hang it on their new front door but also because it celebrates their upcoming wedding!!!

The wreath was really easy to make (although it did require 6-8 glue sticks!!!). I love the contrast with the navy blue ribbon. I made the flowers out of leftover fabric. I really hope they like it (I also hope they are surprised since I haven't given it to them yet and have no idea if they read my blog...)

To continue along with my wreath obsession, I also finished a colorful spring wreath for my house. I love the bright colors and how fun it turned out.

Sorry the pictures aren't the greatest but by the time I finished all this crafting was a little dark outside. The hardest part of this wreath was wrapping the yard around the wreath and pipe cleaners. It took me a good hour and a half (and I had finished 1/3 of it before midterms). Good thing I love the finished product!!!


  1. um...excuse me...why don't we live close to each other? I could totally use a crafting buddy! I don't have much motivation on my own and I could definitely use your skills!

  2. lizzy i love your "love" wreath !!! how did you make it??? pipe cleaner base wrapped in yarn???

  3. Hey Jill! How are you? The wreath was really easy. I bought a Styrofoam wreath used leftover yarn. I formed the love out of pipe cleaners and then wrapped it. It might be easier to wrap the pipe cleaners and then shape the word-I'm not sure. But I did use the yarn to secure any letters that looped so you may have to go back and do this if you wrap the pipe cleaner first. Do you have pinterest? I have an entire board on wreaths if you want to see more ideas!
