Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Some Assistance Needed

So I'm not usually one to post biblical references (The way I figure it if you wanted to know my religious philosophy- you'd ask me), but these last few weeks have been especially trying hence the needed assistance.  It all started when clinics hit the gas and I found myself smack dab in the middle of a particularly busy time with rotations that have higher time expectations.  Add to that a fear driven desire to study for my boards and you get a lot of stress.  With all the stress at school, one would hope that stress levels in another aspect of life would decrease but unfortunately that didn't happen.  Chris has been traveling a lot and dealing with his own work related stresses.  Together we were just trying to survive until things slowed down (aka I have an off block and he gets to take a few days off of work!).  
Even though life hasn't really hit the brakes for Chris and I, I found a few bible verses that helped me to focus on handling the things that I cannot change and fixing the ones that I can change.   Two verses stuck out in my mind.  Matthew 6:34 talking about handling worry one day at a time and 1 Peter 4:8 realizing love is more important than the everyday stresses really struck a chord.  Yes, I realize there are two images of Matthew 6:34 but I could not pick one! (I am a sucker for puppies and I love the rose version too.) 

I don't know if either of these will be helpful to anyone else but they have managed to bring me some peace and assistance in dealing with how hectic life has gotten in the last month.  Hopefully with my time off and off campus rotation I will get a break from the fast paced clinic world and recharge my batteries before diving back in for the last half of my clinical year (P.S. YES I AM HALF WAY DONE!!!)

therefore don't forget to 

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