Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Craft Withdrawals

I am going through crafting withdrawals!  It has been so long since I've had a good crafting day!  A few weeks ago Chris and I started a crayon art project.  So far it looks good but we ran into some melting point differences between crayon brands.  One would not melt and got stuck in the glue gun!  So far the project looks like this

Hopefully soon I will have some time to do some crafting.  I have so many new ideas (ok fine most of them are wreaths but they are gorgeous!).  I want to make a summer wreath that looks like a life preserver with starfish!  Here is the image I found. 

I made my mom a wreath for her birthday.  I want to make a hybrid wreath that has the flowers similar to the one I made my mom with a B like the below wreath.  I think it will turn out great! (and I already have the wreath for it!)
I also want to make a 4th of July wreath!  I think this one is my favorites!!!  It's very plain but fitting. I also need a new KEEP   CALM sign!

Hopefully I will have some time to do some craft before I have seizures from the withdrawals!

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