Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Ketchup :)

Since I have been horrible at blogging while on clinics its time to play catch up (or ketchup if you live in my sleep deprived vet school world).  We have finally made it to K block.  Block 11/26.  We are so close to being halfway done!   I have found that each of the rotations have taught me something new.  Some have taught me more about veterinary medicine and some have taught me life lessons.  Both types of lessons have been valuable but some were harder than others to learn.  Take Emergency medicine for example- you quickly master the art of making clay paws for owners with deceased pets.  You also learn how to deal with the sadness that comes along with euthanizing someones pet.  But enough about rotations.

I haven't had a ton of time for crafting but I did manage to make some new bows when Chris' family came to visit.  Ginny and I had a lot of fun picking out the supplies and crafting.  Good thing I have some great models to demonstrate the bows!

Since time has flown by and I still think it is June- I also forgot to post pictures from my sisters graduation.  I am so proud of her!   I still cannot believe that she is 22 and has graduated college- I mean just last week she was in high school!  We had a ton of fun visiting and getting to see more of Lawrence University.  

I am sure that there is more that I am missing but for now this is all.  As always-Keep Calm and Carry On.  

1 comment:

  1. Yay! A post! Keep them coming. And can we set up a time for a phone date? I NEED to "ketchup" with you. :)
